Change the default direction of content scrolling in CSS and JavaScript to scroll upwards instead of

I am currently working on a website where the navigation bar spans the entire width and remains fixed in place. Below the navigation bar is a cover image, followed by the main content section.

As you scroll down, the navigation bar covers the image from top to bottom, revealing the main content in a downward motion. I am interested in reversing this effect so that as you scroll down, the main content rises up to cover the image from bottom to top. Essentially, creating an upward scroll for the main content.

To illustrate, imagine the image has a number 1 at the top and a number 2 at the bottom. In the current setup, when scrolling downwards, the navigation bar covers the image starting with 1 and then reveals 2. The desired effect would be for 2 to disappear first as the main content rises, leaving only 1 visible until it too is covered.

I have considered using parallax but I am unsure if that is the right approach. Any suggestions or guidance on achieving this effect would be greatly appreciated.

If you require any additional information, please feel free to ask. Thank you in advance for your help.


You can see a similar effect on the Abduzeedo homepage.

Answer №2

Here is a demonstration showcasing the use of an img element.

Check out the Demo here

View code snippet here

This sample includes the basic HTML layout:

<img src="/image.ext" class="scrollup" />
<div class="main"></div>

Your navigation bar will be fixed in its position as requested. The image also requires fixed positioning. We have assigned a z-index value of -1 to ensure it remains covered up by other elements.

img {
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;
  z-index: -1;
  top: 20px; left: 0;

The main content area is positioned relatively. Since both our navigation and image have fixed positioning, the top value is relative to the viewport's top. By setting top: 100%, the .main section begins just as we start scrolling.

.main {
  background: white;
  position: relative;
  top: 100%;

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