Challenge with CSS3 Selectors

I'm struggling to understand why this code works:

input[ type = "text" ]:last-of-type:focus{ border:1px solid red; }

but this code doesn't work:

input[ type = "checkbox" ]:last-of-type:checked{ border:1px solid red; }

The example given with the "border" property is just that, merely an illustration. Any other properties are also disregarded!

Answer №1

Consider the following:

<meta charset="utf-8"/>
input[ type = "checkbox" ]:last-of-type:checked{ top: 100px; }
input[type='checkbox'] { position: absolute; top: 200px; }
        <input type="submit" />
        <input type="checkbox" />

In my experience, this code functions correctly in Chrome. It is possible that it did not produce the desired results due to discrepancies between browser specifications for checkbox properties during your testing phase.

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