Adjust Sidebar Height to Match Document Height (using React Pro Sidebar)

Having an issue with the height of a sidebar component in Next.js using React Pro Sidebar. It seems to be a JavaScript, HTML, and CSS related problem. I've tried several suggested solutions from Stack Overflow, but none of them seem to work. Surprisingly, it's not addressed within the React Pro Sidebar itself.

Whenever I navigate to a page with greater height, I encounter this problem:

The reason for this is my inability to adjust the sidebar's height to match that of the entire document. Determining the full document height is another challenge as I haven't found a reliable way to track it through events like resize. Apparently, the total document height can be tracked using document.body.scrollHeight.

I attempted to utilize a useEffect hook for document.body.scrollHeight, but that didn't provide a complete solution (In Next.js, you may need to create a component with no SSR, similar to this):

const [viewHeight, setViewHeight] = useState<string | number>("100vh")

useEffect(() => {
}, [document.body.scrollHeight])


<ProSidebar style={{ height: viewHeight }}>


I also experimented with a ResizeObserver but faced no success:

useEffect(() => {
  const observer = new ResizeObserver(() => {
}, [])

Additionally, regarding React Pro Sidebar, I attempted a solution shared in an issue raised by one of its contributors:

    [`.${sidebarClasses.container}`]: {
      backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
      height: "100vh !important",
    [`.${sidebarClasses.root}`]: {},

Does anyone have a specific or even better, a general solution to adjusting the sidebar height in JavaScript (or React)?

Answer №1

Figuring out how to dynamically adjust the height along with changes can be tricky, but one potential solution could involve:

  1. Setting position: "fixed" and height: "100vh" for the sidebar.
  2. Establishing a context that manages the collapsing and width adjustments of the sidebar.
  3. Utilizing the context's updates to modify the marginLeft property of the main content.

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