Differences between Next.js Image and regular img tag regarding image quality

I am currently using Next.js and have noticed that my images appear slightly blurry when utilizing Next/Image.

Below is a snippet of my code:

 <img src={url} width={articleWidth} />

Here is a visual comparison of the images (it may be challenging to discern, but the version with Next/Image appears blurrier on my screen). https://i.stack.imgur.com/KGIdn.png

Additionally, I observed a few other details:

  • The image using the img tag had an intrinsic size of 2016 x 1663, while the one using Next/Image had a size of 750x615

How can I ensure that Next/Image displays images as sharp as my standard img component?

Answer №1

Next.js dynamically generates optimized versions of your images and delivers the appropriately sized image for rendering.

If you prefer not to use this feature:

  1. You can choose to utilize the unoptimized prop:


  1. Enable the unoptimized option in your next.config.js:
module.exports = {
  images: {
    unoptimized: true,

When set to true, images will be served without any size alterations.

Answer №2

In the world of Next.js, image quality is typically set at 75 by default. But fear not, for if you desire to alter the quality of your images, simply pass the quality prop to the Image component. For instance, to elevate the quality to a perfect 100, implement this code snippet:

<Image src="your-image-source" quality={100} alt="logo"/>

Dive deeper into this topic here: https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/components/image#quality

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