Chakra UI Not Displaying Proper Responsiveness on the User Interface

I recently integrated Chakra UI for styling a project on Next.js, and while most components are functioning properly, I am facing challenges with implementing responsive layouts. The styles do not seem to adapt when the screen size is reduced.

Here's my setup:

  • Defined Breakpoints

         const breakpoints = createBreakpoints({ sm: '34em', md: '60em', lg: '76.8em', xl: '144em', });
  • theme.ts configuration

     export const chakrauiTheme = extendTheme({
       colors: {
         brand: {
           main: '#fff',
  • Wrapped _app.tsx with ChakraProvider using theme={chakrauiTheme}

  • There are three approaches in ChakraUI for responsive styling,

1. Utilize Array Syntax

<Box w={[300,400,500,600]}>

2. Use Object Syntax

<Box w={{sm: 300, md: 400, lg: 500, xl:600}}>

3. Another option is to import useBreakpointValue(), although I haven't tried it yet

In theory, these methods should work but unfortunately, I'm not seeing the expected changes in my layout. Current Style Implementation

 export const FormInputWrapper: any = {
  display: 'flex',
  flexDirection: 'column',
  gap: '1rem',
  backgroundColor: ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'pink'],
  // Color properties added for testing purposes only
  width: ['100%', '60%', '60%', '50%'],

Within the component

<Box {...FormInputWrapper}>

I've tried the first two methods without success

I would appreciate any insights on what might be missing from my implementation.

Thank you.

Related Packages:

"@chakra-ui/react": "^1.8.6"
"next": "12.1.0"

Not directly related, but here's how the _app.js file looks like,

<CacheProvider value={emotionCache}>
  <ChakraProvider theme={chakrauiTheme}>
    <ThemeProvider theme={muiTheme}>
      {/* <CssBaseline /> */}
      <Component {...pageProps} />

Answer №1

It appears that the createBreakpoints() function is no longer being maintained according to this source. Instead, consider utilizing this alternative.

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