Contrasts in characteristics of CSS images versus SVG graphics

I'm curious if there are distinctions between CSS images and SVGs on your website.

When referencing CSS images, I mean images constructed with div elements in HTML and then styled using CSS (such as this:

Although CSS images may be more labor-intensive, they both have the ability to be animated, utilize CSS variables, become dynamic through JS,...

What sets these two apart? (Performance, Rendering, ...)

Answer №1

Using SVG instead of a group of HTML elements offers numerous advantages:

  • Ease of Creation

    There are plenty of SVG editors available that make it simple to create drawings and icons. This is much easier than trying to achieve the same result using only HTML and CSS, especially when designing intricate icons like buildings.

  • Improved Sharing

    By using a standardized file format like SVG, your work can easily be exported to other tools and shared with others for further collaboration. Manipulating complex HTML elements like span or div can be challenging for new members joining your project.

  • Enhanced User Experience

    Websites that utilize SVG allow users to interact with the graphics by opening them in new tabs or downloading them. This level of flexibility enhances the user experience significantly. In contrast, static HTML elements do not offer the same level of interaction and can be frustrating for users.

  • Better Performance

    SVG files can be compressed on the server side, reducing load times and improving overall performance. Tools like Appendix J can help minimize SVG files efficiently.

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