What is the best way to align the checkbox and label in a React form?

I've been struggling to align the labels next to the checkboxes on this form. I'm currently utilizing React with React-Hook-Form for validation and state management (you can find the code on GitHub: https://github.com/cipdv/ciprmt-mern/blob/main/client/src/components/User/HHForm/RFHHHForm.js - the file containing the form is RFHHHForm.js).

I have attempted a few solutions:

  1. I tried using Semantic UI's library in this way:
<div className='inline field'>
                    <div className='ui checkbox'>
                        <input defaultChecked={healthHistory?.epilepsy} name="epilepsy" type="checkbox" id="epilepsy" {...register('epilepsy')} />
                    <div className='ui checkbox'>
                        <input defaultChecked={healthHistory?.diabetes} name="diabetes" type="checkbox" id="diabetes" {...register('diabetes')} />

Although this method aligned the labels and checkboxes, the checkboxes were no longer editable (unable to be checked or unchecked).

Another attempt involved creating a custom CSS stylesheet module like so:


    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: middle;

However, this approach did not successfully align the elements as intended.

Answer №1

One possible solution is to enclose the input within a label element

<label>Diabetes &nbsp; <input defaultChecked={healthHistory?.diabetes} name="diabetes" type="checkbox" id="diabetes" {...register('diabetes')} /></label> 

Alternatively, you can use your checkbox class like this:

  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

Please inform me if this resolves the issue.

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