Centering DIVs both vertically and horizontally within parent DIVs that have a height and width of 100%

I am facing a challenge with my nested parent DIVs that occupy 100% of the browser window in terms of height and width. I am struggling to center secondary DIVs inside their respective parent containers.

Here are the definitions for my stacked parents:

#parent1 {
    height: auto;
    height: 100%;

#parent2 {
    height: auto;
    height: 100%;

My goal is to have the content centered within these stacked DIVs:

<div id="parent1">    <-- occupies entire browser window --/
   <div id="content1"></div>  <-- horizontally and vertically centered in parent1 --/
<div id="parent2">    <-- occupies entire browser window, positioned below parent1 --/
   <div id="content2"></div>  <-- horizontally and vertically centered in parent2 --/

...And so forth. Currently, my content CSS is as follows, but it doesn't seem to be effective:

#content1 {
    margin:-250px 0 0 -500px;

I've attempted both absolute and relative positioning without success...

Answer №1

To ensure proper positioning, make sure to include the following CSS properties:

#wrapper1 {
    height: auto;
    height: 100%;
    position: relative;

#wrapper2 {
    height: auto;
    height: 100%;
    position: relative;

#content-box {
    margin:-250px 0 0 -500px;
    position: absolute;

Answer №2

#main-container {

#sidebar {

#content {

Colors are used to indicate specific positions on the page. Make sure to apply float:left to child div for proper alignment.

Answer №3

Uncertain on whether you are looking to horizontally center align the content div or the parent div. Simply apply this class to achieve the desired effect:

    margin: 0px auto;
    width: 80%;

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