"Capturing the essence of your online presence: The

I recently completed a website for my Students Organization, which includes a special page dedicated to recognizing the individuals who helped organize our activities. Each member is represented with a photo on this page, sourced from their Facebook profile pictures. The URL I used previously to access these images was .

However, it seems that this code is no longer functioning properly. When I attempted to visit the URL, I received a JSON object as a result:

   "error": {
      "message": "(#803) Cannot query users by their username (user.name)",
      "type": "OAuthException",
      "code": 803

After researching online, it appears that there may have been security changes implemented by Facebook, particularly related to their API 2.0. I am uncertain of the full extent of these modifications.

Although the link still works if you possess the user ID, I find myself unable to acquire this information due to encountering the same error message via graph.facebook.com.

Is there an alternative method available to retrieve Facebook profile pictures for use on a website, or has Facebook restricted access entirely?

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To access the data, you must integrate Facebook Login into your website so that users can authorize your app to use their information.

The username field is no longer supported in Graph API v2.0. Several queries about this issue have been posted on StackOverflow today.

Check out the documentation for more information:

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