Is there a way to apply a css class to all nested elements in Angular 6 using Ngx Bootstrap?

I've defined a CSS class as follows:

.panel-mobile-navs > ul > li {

Within the HTML, I am utilizing Ngx-bootstrap for a series of tabs like this:

<tabset class="panel-mobile-navs" > ... </tabset>

My intention is to modify the styling of the elements within it. However, upon page load, the generated HTML inside the "tabset" element looks like this:

<ul class="nav nav-tabs" ng-reflect-klass="nav" ng-reflect-ng-class="[object 
<li class="nav-item" ng-reflect-ng-class="nav-item,"> ... </li>


Despite my created CSS class, it doesn't seem to apply to the ul and li elements. Could it be an issue with my CSS implementation? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

This particular guideline is dependent on the precise DOM layout of

TABSET.panel-mobile-navs > UL > LI

.panel-mobile-navs > ul > li { ... }

It's possible that the framework in use is inserting additional DOM elements which could be interfering with this rule. You may want to consider directly targeting the .nav-item class instead.

Answer №2

It is recommended to avoid using descendant selectors and instead use class names for better performance. Based on your markup, you could try something like this:

.panel-mobile-navs {
   .nav-tabs {
      // styling for ul here
      .nav-item {
         // styling for li here

// CSS
.panel-mobile-navs .nav-tabs {
   // styling for ul here
.panel-mobile-navs .nav-item {
   // styling for li here

Be sure to inspect the rendered elements to confirm that the css rules have been applied: example

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