Cannot get the "middle" div in CSS to properly wrap around its content

Click here to view the issue with the "middle" div not wrapping its content. I have been attempting to make it automatically wrap the entire content of the table, resulting in a neat white 10 pixel padded border surrounding it. Despite trying various methods such as adjusting display modes, floats, clears, and overflows, I have not been successful. Can someone pinpoint where I might be making a mistake?

#outer {
    height : 200px;
    width : 200px;
    background : red;
    overflow : auto;
    padding : 10px;
#middle {
    background : white;
    padding : 10px;
#inner {
    border : 1px solid purple;
td {
    background : cyan;
    padding : 5px;
    border : 1px solid blue;
<div id="outer">
  <div id="middle">
    <table id="inner">
        <td>this is some random text</td>
        <td>this is some random text</td>
        <td>this is some random text</td>
        <td>this is some random text</td>

Answer №1



into the styling for the element with the ID of #middle.

For more information on the difference between display: inline and display: inline-block, check out this helpful resource.

Take a look at the updated example for reference.

Answer №2

To ensure fixed table layout, simply add table-layout:fixed to your CSS. Here is an example:

#content {
    border: 1px solid blue;
    table-layout: fixed;
    width: 100%;

Feel free to view the implementation in this JSFiddle demo.

Answer №3

If you want the parent container to maintain a fixed size with no overflowing, unfortunately, tables are not the way to go. They lack flexibility in this aspect, with a minimum size that extends beyond the boundaries of the parent container by default. The solution is to adjust the size of the parent container accordingly.

    #outer {
        height : 200px;
        width : 300px;
        background : red;
        overflow : auto;
        padding : 10px;

For more details, check out this link:

Answer №4

Tables can be tricky because they always try to display all their content, which can be a problem when you have repeated words like "random" taking up a lot of space. This can cause the parent element to not resize properly. There are actually 4 different solutions to this issue:

  1. Utilize JavaScript to calculate the actual width of your table
  2. Consider using a wider table if possible
  3. Apply overflow:hidden to prevent layout issues
  4. Use min-width instead of width for the outer element

Answer №5

To resolve this issue, inform the #inner element that its width should be equal to the width of #outer minus the padding value (e.g. 20px in this case).

However, if you intend to showcase content effectively, consider increasing the size of the #outer element and monitoring the sizes of the inner elements.

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