Can you please explain the purpose of this function?

I came across this code snippet on a website and I'm curious about its function and purpose. While I'm familiar with PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I haven't had the chance to learn JQUERY and AJAX yet. Specifically, I'm interested in understanding how the colors array is populated - is it random or does it follow a specific pattern?

$('#onehour_next').css('backgroundColor', colors[(hours == 23 ? 0 : hours+1)]);

function doStuff()
            current = new Date();
            hours = current.getHours();
            minutes = 59 - current.getMinutes();
            seconds = 59 - current.getSeconds();

            onehour.innerHTML = prettyTime(0, minutes, seconds);

            if (colors.length === 0 || current.getSeconds() === 0)

            $('#onehour').css('backgroundColor', colors[hours]);
            $('#onehour_next').css('backgroundColor', colors[(hours == 23 ? 0 : hours+1)]);

            setTimeout(doStuff, 1000);

Answer №1

This piece of code is designed to assign a unique color for each hour of the day.

Although the array colors is not explicitly defined here, it can be assumed that it contains a list of 24 different colors. The first color in the list will be used from 11pm until 11:59, after which the next color will be utilized at midnight, continuing in this manner up to the 24th color being used between 10pm and 10:59.

In order to comprehend how the code functions, one must dissect it into individual segments.

  • hours == 23 checks whether the current hour of the day is 23 (i.e., 11pm).
  • 0 represents the number zero.
  • hour + 1 indicates a value one greater than the current hour of the day.
  • question ? answer1 : answer2 essentially means "if the question is true, use answer1; if false, use answer2."
  • Therefore, (hours == 23 ? 0 : hours+1) rounds the current time up to the next hour of the day, resulting in a value between 0 and 23.
  • The expression colors[n] directs to the nth element in the list of colors. Keep in mind that the first item is indexed as 0, the second as 1, and so forth.
  • $('#onehour_next') locates the HTML element with the ID onehour_next.
  • .css modifies the CSS of that element based on the following two parameters.
  • 'backgroundColor' specifies that the background color of that element is being altered.
  • Hence, the value obtained from
    colors[(hours == 23 ? 0 : hours+1)]
    will be applied as the background color of the element onehour_next.

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