Can we limit the number of items to just two per row in a grid with two columns?

I'm currently facing issues with aligning items within a two-column grid. When looking at this image, you'll notice that the alignment is off. Specifically, 'Example 3' does not align properly with 'Example 4'. This seems to be caused by the lack of a description for 'Example 2', resulting in 'Example 3' filling in that empty space.

The desired behavior is for 'Example 1' to align with 'Example 2' (row 1) regardless of whether there's a description present. Similarly, 'Example 3' should align with 'Example 4' (row 2). You can see how it should look like in this image.

Uncertain about the reason behind this misalignment, I question if my use of Bootstrap is incorrect. Currently, I am employing Col-sm-6 Col-md-6. Below is the code snippet:

<div class="myTree">
        <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6">
            @if(link !=null)  // if link is present, apply it to the image and title.
            <a href="@link.URL" title="@link.LinkName" target="@link.TargetWindow">
                <div class="content">
                    <div class="treeimagewithLink">
                        <img class="treeimage" alt="@image.GetAttributeValue("AlternateText")" title="@image.GetAttributeValue("AlternateText")" src="images/@image.Value" />
                    <div class="treeTitle">
            <div class="treeexcerpt">
            else{ // if no link is provided 
            <div class="imagewithnoLink">
                <img class="treeimage" alt="@image.GetAttributeValue("AlternateText")" title="@image.GetAttributeValue("AlternateText")" src="images/@image.Value" />
            <div class="treeTitle">
            <div class="treeexcerpt">

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, ensure you add the class row to the element with the class myTree.

By adding this class, the myTree element will adopt the property of display: flex.

Update: It seems that there is a conflicting style with float on your col-md-6, indicating the use of Bootstrap v3 instead of v4 (which uses flexbox).

In that case, it's recommended to apply some manual adjustments to incorporate flexbox styling.



   flex:1 1 auto;

@media (max-width:767px){

If you wish to make these changes globally across your website, consider overriding the bootstrap styles entirely:


    flex: 1 1 auto;

@media (max-width:767px){

Update 2: Upon further review, it appears that the issue may lie within your HTML structure. The revised code snippet should resemble something like this:

<div style="display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap;">
    <div class="myTree col-sm-6 col-md-6">
    <div class="myTree col-sm-6 col-md-6">
    <div class="myTree col-sm-6 col-md-6">
    <div class="myTree col-sm-6 col-md-6">

   flex:1 1 auto;

@media (max-width:767px){

Answer №2

Transformed the

<div class="myTree">
element into
<div class="row">
, then inserted
<div class="col-**">
within the
<div class="row">
. Following this, added another
<div class="myTree">

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