Issues with CSS z-index in negative values not functioning correctly

Help! I'm encountering a perplexing z-index issue on my website. Check out the problem here:

Upon closer inspection of each step's header, you'll see that only step 3 features a ribbon while steps 1 and 2 do not (if this isn't visible, try zooming in). Both step 1 and step 2 should have ribbons as well. I've tinkered with the z-index values of all elements and tried using position relative, but nothing seems to work. My hunch is that the issue is somehow related to the height of my content.

Answer №1

It appears that there may be a stacking problem with the .panel elements in your design. You seem to be attempting to position the <header>'s :before element behind its parent container, the .panel.

However, you cannot technically place an element behind its parent. It seems like setting the z-index to -1 was an attempt to achieve this effect, but it is causing issues.

A better approach might be to position the header:before pseudo-element next to the white content box (the .panel) rather than behind it by adjusting its size and addressing some minor issues.

To make these adjustments, please modify the following styles in your stylesheet () starting around line 548:


.ribbon > header:before { /*Update selector*/
    bottom: -24px;
    content: "";
    display: block;
    position: absolute;
.ribbon > header:before { /*Update selector*/
    border-color: transparent #3b4d56 transparent transparent;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 0 21px 24px 0; /*Update size*/
    height: 0;
    left: 0; /*Update to zero*/
    width: 0;
    z-index: 0; /*Update to zero*/

You can view the updated result here. This should also resolve the issue of needing to zoom in for a clearer view.

Answer №2

After incorporating height: 0; into the body element, I noticed a significant improvement in the overall display. Can anyone shed light on why this solution works? However, I am questioning whether this is the most optimal approach for addressing the issue.

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