Evaluating CSS Specificity

Is there a recommended approach for automatically testing css selectors?

I am in the process of developing a SCSS framework and I want to integrate automated tests. Specifically, I aim to verify that the css selectors are functioning correctly.

For example, if I have the following HTML:

<input class="btn" disabled id="test"></input>

and corresponding CSS:

.btn {
 color: red;

.btn:disabled {
 color: green;

I want to create a test to confirm that the element with id=test has .btn:disabled as the highest priority CSS class (the last one with the most specificity) and .btn as the second-highest priority. Essentially, I need to ensure that both .btn:disabled and .btn styles are applied to the element, with the styles from .btn:disabled taking precedence over those from .btn.

I am considering using Selenium for this task. Are there effective methods for achieving this without hard-coding the css values into the tests?

Answer №1

My approach involves utilizing getComputedStyle to retrieve the style with the "highest priority". I incorporate a "tag" in the content property of the CSS. Subsequently, in jasmine, I verify if the desired tag matches the computedStyle. To further enhance this process, I plan on expanding it in SCSS so that the content property is defined by a mixin when in test mode and remains unset in production. It's important to note that this method solely focuses on testing for the class of highest priority, omitting evaluation for classes with lower priorities.

Outlined below are tests that serve as an example (with only the first and last scenarios expected to pass).

// test code
describe("CSS", function() {
  it("Applying .test class to div element should be detected by .test", () => {
    const testDiv = document.getElementById("testDiv")
    m = window.getComputedStyle(testDiv).getPropertyValue("content"); 

 it("Applying .test class to div element should be detected by div", () => {
    const testDiv = document.getElementById("testDiv")
    m = window.getComputedStyle(testDiv).getPropertyValue("content"); 

 it("Applying .test class to div element should be detected by .test", () => {
    const testDiv = document.getElementById("testDiv2")
    m = window.getComputedStyle(testDiv).getPropertyValue("content"); 

 it("Applying .test class to div element should be detected by div", () => {
    const testDiv = document.getElementById("testDiv2")
    m = window.getComputedStyle(testDiv).getPropertyValue("content"); 


// load jasmine htmlReporter
(function() {
  var env = jasmine.getEnv();
  env.addReporter(new jasmine.HtmlReporter());
.test {
    content: '.test';

div {
  content: 'div';
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/jasmine/1.3.1/jasmine.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/jasmine/1.3.1/jasmine-html.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/jasmine/1.3.1/jasmine.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div class="test" id="testDiv">TestDiv</div>
<div id="testDiv2">TestDiv</div>

Answer №2

It seems like you're inquiring about a test scenario where changes to CSS styles can be verified visually. Here's an example of how such a test could look:

if -> Element.ComputedStyle.color = green

then -> test passed

else -> test failed (indicating CSS structure errors)

Keep in mind that browsers handle specificity correctly, so the purpose here is to check for unintended visual outcomes resulting from CSS modifications.

Creating and maintaining tests for different correct states may be labor-intensive. For this, tools like Backstop.js could be helpful. However, CSS visual regression testing is intricate, so manage your expectations accordingly.

The Manual Approach

One way to tackle this manually is by introducing a SCSS variable typically set as transparent. When making code adjustments, alter this variable to a distinct color like pink to easily spot overriding effects during rendering.

If developing a CSS framework, cross-checking against the documentation for previous examples prone to being overridden could be beneficial.

CSS Blocks Solution

Consider exploring the capabilities of the CSS Blocks API. While not a direct testing tool, its scoping features and compile error notifications might aid in early detection of issues related to cascade conflicts.

With CSS Blocks' innovative resolution system, cascade conflicts are identified preemptively, eliminating the need to engage in specificity battles.

Answer №3

To achieve your goal, Selenium can be utilized effectively. For long-term maintenance, it is recommended to follow the Page Object Model methodology. The official documentation for this approach can be found here. Additionally, there are informative articles available in different languages such as this one, this one, and this one.

Essentially, the concept involves creating classes or models for each page or component on a page (for example, a form with multiple controls). These classes will have properties representing the elements you want to interact with. This approach offers advantages such as:

  • Centralized location for updating selectors (maintainability)
  • Exposing complex code through a user-friendly interface using fluent syntax (readability)

Here's an example in C#:

public class LoginPage
    // Use FindBy attributes for specifying selectors
    public WebElement UsernameInput { get; set; }
    public WebElement PasswordInput { get; set; }
    public WebElement LoginButton { get; set; }

    public LoginPage()
        // Constructor code

    public LoginPage Load(this LoginPage page)
        // Navigation logic to load the login page

    public LoginPage EnterCredentials(this LoginPage page, string username, string password)
        // Input fields population logic

    public HomePage Login(this LoginPage page)
        // Clicking the login button logic

    // Other methods go here

Usage example:

HomePage homePage =
    new LoginPage()
    .EnterCredentials("user", "pass")

// Operations on HomePage can be performed now

Answer №4

The Significance of CSS Specificity

Defined by the official documentation , CSS Specificity is the mechanism utilized by web browsers to determine which CSS property values take precedence when multiple conflicting CSS rules are targeting the same element. The calculation of specificity relies on the composition of matching rules generated from various CSS selectors.

Guidelines for Calculating Specificity

The determination of Specificity involves assigning points based on specific criteria:

  • style attribute: 1000
  • id attribute: 100
  • class or pseudo-class: 1

The Process of Computing CSS Specificity

An illustration showcasing the computation of Specificity for two CSS samples:

  • Sample A:

    .btn {
     color: red;
    • Explanation: This contains a class named btn, resulting in a Specificity score of 1.
  • Sample B:

    .btn:disabled {
     color: green;
    • Explanation: With both a class ( btn) and a pseudo-class ( disabled), this sample has a Specificity score of 2.

Validation Tools

To visually confirm CSS specificity, utilize resources like the Specificity Calculator:


Tying it all Together

Given that CSS sample B boasts higher Specificity, it will be applied to the following element:

<input class="btn" disabled id="test"></input>

Closing Thoughts

In addition to the mentioned guidelines, some intricate CSS Specificity Rules include:

  • If specificity levels are equal, the most recent rule takes precedence.
  • ID selectors hold more weight than attribute selectors regarding specificity.
  • Contextual selectors carry more specificity compared to single-element selectors.
  • A class selector triumphs over any quantity of element selectors.

For further insights, refer to the comprehensive documentation on CSS Specificity

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