Dealing with CSS specificity issues when incorporating material-ui for React into a WordPress plugin

Struggling to integrate material-ui for react in a wordpress plugin due to conflict with wordpress's styling in forms.css file. Looking for a solution that doesn't require complete restyling of material-ui components to override the default styles.

For example:

Here is an example(text has been edited for readability(removed selectors that dont matter and styling):

react jsx:

<div id='ad-campaign-edit' style={modalStyle} className={classes.root}>
                    label='Navn på kampanjen'
                    inputProps={{ 'aria-label': 'secondary checkbox' }}


input[type="text"], {

generated css from material-ui:

.MuiInputBase-input {

Noting that material-ui generates its css after wordpress's, where forms.css specificity is (0-1-1) and material-ui is (0-1-0).

How can I ensure material-ui styles take precedence without starting from scratch with makeStyles hook? Is it possible to enhance material-ui's specificity globally?

edit: Forgot to add html/jsx edit2: revised specificity understanding.

Answer №1

I managed to get it working, although there are still some kinks to iron out. This solution serves as a good starting point.

To make this work, you'll need to install the npm package found at this link:

After installation, you must create a <StyleProvider> following the instructions provided here:

This is what I implemented:

import { create } from 'jss';
import { StylesProvider, jssPreset } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import increaseSpecificity from 'jss-increase-specificity';

const jss = create({
    plugins: [...jssPreset().plugins, increaseSpecificity({ repeat: 1 })],

export default function App() {
  return (
    <StylesProvider jss={jss}>

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