Can two div elements be positioned next to each other without relying on CSS float?

Every time I try to use CSS float to align two elements next to each other on a webpage, IE and Firefox always throw unexpected surprises my way.

Is there an alternative method to position two divs side by side on a website without relying on CSS float?

<div id='div1'>
<p> div1 p1 </p>
<p> div1 p2 </p>
<div id='div2'>
<p> div2 p1 </p>
<p> div2 p2 </p>

Answer №1

To achieve this layout, you can utilize absolute positioning.

<div id="wrapper">
<div id='box1'>
<p> box1 paragraph 1 </p>
<p> box1 paragraph 2 </p>
<div id='box2'>
<p> box2 paragraph 1 </p>
<p> box2 paragraph 2 </p>

Here is a sample CSS for the layout:

#wrapper {
position: relative;
width: 800px;
#box1, #box2 {
position: absolute;
width: 400px;
#box1 {
left: 0;
#box2 {
left: 400px;

Answer №2

DIVs are considered block elements by default. To change their display to inline, you can use the CSS property display:inline or display:inline-block. Another option is to utilize absolute positioning for more control over their placement on the page.

Answer №3

In addition to using float, you have the option of utilizing: display: inline-block or display: inline, although this may lead to different issues.

It's important to always remember to 'clear' floated elements! Keeping this in mind will help minimize any potential difficulties.

Answer №4

Instead of floating, consider changing their display property to display: inline;. This will transform them into inline elements from block-level ones.

Answer №5

Take a shot at this,

<div style="display:table">
  <div style="display:table-row">
    <div style="display:table-cell">
       <p> content in div1 paragraph 1 </p>
       <p> content in div1 paragraph 2 </p>

    <div style="display:table-cell">
       <p> content in div2 paragraph 1 </p>
       <p> content in div2 paragraph 2 </p>

Please note that this may not be compatible with older versions.

Answer №6

To solve issues with borders and widths, it is recommended to create a wrapper div for the outermost container with specified width/height attributes, and then apply styles accordingly to the inner elements. Padding should only be added to the elements inside the wrapper.

It's important to remember that borders will decrease the overall width of an element. For example, if you have a box that is 200px wide and you add a 2px border, the effective width becomes 196px.

<div class="wrapper" style="height:200px">...insert content here</div>

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