One Page HTML5 with a Bootstrap fixed top menu, revealing content on menu item click

Is there a way to have the Bootsrap mobile menu automatically unfold when a link (anchor on the same page) is clicked?

  • The menu unfolds with class navbar-collapse collapse in
  • The menu folds with class navbar-collapse collapse out

I already have an onclick event for my menu:

<li><a onclick="return scrollPage('section1')" href="#section1">Contact</a></li>

Note: I am using Boostrap 3

Answer №1

If you're looking to toggle the menu on your website, there's a convenient method available through the collapse plugin. This plugin is necessary for creating collapsible menus. You can find more information about it at

To easily switch between opening and closing your menu, you can utilize this simple snippet of JavaScript code (assuming your menu has an id of MyMenu; however, any jQuery selector will suffice).


If you wish to specifically open your menu, use this code:


Conversely, if you need to close your menu, employ the following code:


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