Automatically adjust the tooltip's position if it extends beyond the width of the browser

I am looking for a way to ensure that when the tooltip width exceeds the browser's viewable area, it will automatically reposition itself so that the content can be fully viewed. It is important that the tooltip does not overlap on the referenced div and that its width or height does not resize when it repositions. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

You can view my sample code here

Answer №2

Creating my own plugin for automatic object positioning:

    $.fn.autoposition = function(ref, opt){     
            var _this = $(this);
            var position = function(_tip, _ref, opt){
            var o = $.extend({
            }, o || opt);

            var _window = $(window);
            var _widthOfWindow = _window.width();
            var _widthDifferenceFromXaxisOfRef = _widthOfWindow - _ref.offset().left;
            var _xAdjustmentOftipWhenExceedAtLeftSide = ((_tip.outerWidth() > _widthDifferenceFromXaxisOfRef) ? (_tip.outerWidth() - _widthDifferenceFromXaxisOfRef) + o.leftallowance : 0);
            var _leftOfTheTip = _ref.offset().left - _xAdjustmentOftipWhenExceedAtLeftSide;

            var _heightOfWindow = _window.outerHeight();
            var _heightDifferenceFromYaxisOfRef = _heightOfWindow - (_ref.offset().top + _ref.outerHeight());
            var _topOfTheTip = (_tip.outerHeight() > _heightDifferenceFromYaxisOfRef) ? (_ref.offset().top - _tip.outerHeight()) - o.topallowance : (_heightOfWindow - _heightDifferenceFromYaxisOfRef) + o.topallowance;

                .css('position', 'absolute')
                .css('top', _topOfTheTip)
                .css('left', _leftOfTheTip)

        position(_this, ref, opt);
        $(window).bind('resize', function(){
            position(_this, ref, opt);

To implement it:


Hopefully this will be useful to others.

Answer №3

I came across a solution and implemented it on codebins in the following manner:

1) First, include jquery-1.2.2.pack.js and htmltooltip.js JavaScript files in the header.

2) Then, write the HTML:

<div id="container">
  <div rel="htmltooltip">
  <div rel="htmltooltip">
<div class="htmltooltip">
  Showing Tooltip for Div A

Next, add the CSS:

#container div{
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 1000;

In the HTML above, the "htmltooltip" attribute is set on each tag with a related tooltip assigned to the corresponding "htmltooltip" class. This setup ensures that the relevant tooltip appears when hovering over each tag in order.

The tooltip also automatically adjusts its position within the browser window if it would otherwise extend beyond the width of the browser.

Feel free to check out the demo here.

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