Can the styling and variables of Bootstrap4 be altered dynamically?

I have recently started working on a project that utilizes Bootstrap4 for design and layout. However, there is now a need for the ability to change certain core styles (such as font-face, primary color, and background color) dynamically at runtime.

Currently, the website adheres to a single default theme using Bootstrap styles. But upon user login, specific individuals require custom styling to be applied.

All the information I've come across so far suggests creating a unique theme during the build process. While this is feasible, it would mean generating a new build every time we introduce a variation for a new client. Ideally, we are looking for a centralized theme that can be easily modified with a few custom styles - potentially loaded from an API call.

The technology stack includes Meteor 1.8 with Blaze being used as the UI framework. Unfortunately, I have not found any built-in methods within these technologies to handle dynamic style changes. It seems like we will need to consider either: * A JavaScript-driven solution such as conditionally requiring a CSS file * Dynamically generating a stylesheet as shown below:

var style = document.createElement('style');
style.sheet.insertRule('#target {color: white}');

Answer №1

Based on the information provided in your post, I recommend checking out the DocHead package created by kadirahq (

In my implementation, I utilized Session to store the selected theme, although there may be alternative methods available.

The purpose was to enable users to select their preferred bootstrap theme.

For instance, you can create a dropdown menu with various styles:

    <option id="themes/first.css">First</option>
    <option id="themes/second.css">Second</option>
    <option id="themes/third.css">Third</option>

You can then set the default theme in an onRendered function:

Template.myTemplate.onRendered(function() {
    if (Session.get("theme") != undefined) {
        document.getElementById("selectedTheme").value = Session.get("themeName");

Include a helper as follows:

getThemeName() {
    return Session.get("themeName");

Lastly, implement an event handler for the select element:

'change select'(event) {
    var themeURL =[0].id;
    var linkInfo = {rel: "stylesheet", href: themeURL};
    Session.setPersistent("theme", linkInfo);

Please note that I removed this feature from my project some months ago, so there might be potential issues to address. However, it should function properly.

Wishing you success :)

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