Can the top header stay fixed to the top of the screen even when scrolling down?

Code snippet:

In my project, there are multiple divs with content and each div has a header. My goal is to make the last header that goes out of viewport "sticky" or fixed at the top.

I have explored various solutions for this issue, but none of them seem to be effective when dealing with multiple headers.

        var top = $(this).offset().top;

        } else {

I suspect the problem lies in the fact that each header shares the same class name without a unique identifier, causing my previous attempt to fail.

Answer №1

Discover the perfect solution at this link

This resource provided exactly what I needed:

Check out the demo here

$(document).ready(function () {
// 1. Accessing necessary variables
var $container = $('#box');
var $headers = $container.find('h2');
var zIndex = 2;
var containerTop = $container.offset().top + parseInt($container.css('marginTop')) + parseInt($container.css('borderTopWidth'));
var $fakeHeader = $headers.filter(':first').clone();

// 2. Positioning h2 elements absolutely and increasing z-index
$headers.each(function () {
   // set position absolute, etc
   var $header = $(this), height = $header.outerHeight(), width = $header.outerWidth();

   zIndex += 2;

       position: 'absolute',
       width: $header.width(),
       zIndex: zIndex

   // create white space
   var $spacer = $header.after('<div />').next();
       height: height,
       width: width

// 3. Attaching scroll event to change text of fake heading
$container.scroll(function () {
    $headers.each(function () {
        var $header = $(this);
        var top = $header.offset().top;

        if (top < containerTop) {
            $fakeHeader.css('zIndex', parseInt($header.css('zIndex'))+1);

// 4. Initialization steps
$container.wrap('<div class="box" />');
$fakeHeader.css({ zIndex: 1, position: 'absolute', width: $headers.filter(':first').width() });


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