Can mathematical calculations be performed using css3?

My dilemma involves a parent element and a child element set up in the following manner:

<parent element>



               <child element></child element>



</parent element>

The challenge I face is how to make the child element inherit half of the width of its parent.

I am pondering, would it be possible in CSS3 to do something like this:

    width:parent().parent().parent().width/2 + "px"

Unfortunately, using jQuery or adding extra code to the HTML are not options available to me. My only access is to the CSS file. Is there a solution to achieve this?

Answer №1

Not exactly the same, but a similar effect can be achieved by combining CSS variables with the calc function:

Take a look at this example utilizing variables within a parent's scope:

  --ParentWidth: 100vw;
  width: var(--ParentWidth);

your_parent_element_selector /* ... */ your_child_selector{
  width: calc(var(--ParentWidth) / 2);
  /*simplifying calculations without units*/
  /*child inherits access to parent's variable*/

Here is an instance using "global" scope variables:

  --ThisSpecificParentWidth: 100vw;

  width: var(--ThisSpecificParentWidth);
  /*accessible through :root scope*/

your_parent_element_selector /* ... */ your_child_selector{
  width: calc(var(--ThisSpecificParentWidth) / 2);

A notable feature of the calc function is its ability to handle intricate calculations like: calc((100vw - 2em) / 2 + 10vh).

Since CSS variables act as custom properties, you can save calculation outcomes (mindful of scope) in this way:

--prop: calc((100vw - 2em) / 2 + 10vh - (var(--margin) * 2));

Answer №2

Utilizing the calc function, as mentioned correctly in previous responses, is a beneficial approach.

The calc() CSS function is applicable wherever a , , , , , or is needed. By utilizing calc(), it's possible to calculate CSS property values.

CSS calculations support various arithmetic operations including:

  • Addition.
  • Subtraction.
  • Multiplication. It's essential for at least one argument to be a .
  • Division. The right-hand side should be a .

For example:

width: calc(50% + 50px);

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