Trouble with the layout of a YouTube video that is embedded

Over on this particular page, an embedded YouTube video takes up the left side of the screen while a carousel labeled "Similar Festivals" sits adjacent. The code snippet used to embed the YouTube video looks something like this:

This is how the YouTube section is structured in HTML:

<div class="span4 spacer youtube">
    <div class="title clearfix">
        <h2 class="pull-left">YouTube</h2>
    <iframe width="1000" height="1000" src=""></iframe>

The design of the webpage, utilizing a flexible Bootstrap grid system, ideally positions the video to be as tall as the accompanying carousel on the right-hand side. Unfortunately, it seems that the video is somehow extending beyond its designated container. Is there a way to realign the video with the carousel for a seamless display?

If needed, here's a snapshot to provide visual clarity on the issue at hand!

Answer №1

After observing the behavior of the row-fluid container, I have discovered that it automatically assigns a width of 33% to any embedded Youtube video. This can override any custom width settings you may have applied.

To resolve this issue, consider using the following code:

<div class="row-fluid">

    <div class="span4 spacer twitter">

    <!-- Youtube -->
    <div class="span4 spacer youtube">
        <div class="title clearfix">
            <h2 class="pull-left">YouTube</h2>
<iframe height="150px" src=""></iframe>        

    <!-- Similar Carousel -->
    <div class="span4 spacer">

        <div id="similarCarousel" class="carousel slide last">


(special thanks to Mr. Alien)

This code specifically sets the height of the iframe only, preventing the 'jumping out of the container' issue while maintaining a consistent row-fluid container size and irregular height.

Answer №2

Rather than

<iframe id="fitvid811516"

Consider using

<iframe width="640" height="360" 
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

You may need to manually adjust the width and height as iframes do not always resize dynamically.

If you wish to maintain the layout without altering the content, you can modify the parent container in HTML and add overflow: hidden

.fluid-width-video-wrapper {

Keep in mind that while this will fix the layout, it may cause the bottom parts of the iframe (such as play controls) to be hidden.

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