Can CSS3 animations and @keyframes be utilized within a MailChimp template?

After coming across an inspiring HTML newsletter, I was motivated to add some keyframes animations to a MailChimp template. To my disappointment, the animation works perfectly on local setup, but once uploaded to MailChimp, the @keyframe rules along with the % get stripped out, transforming it from...

@keyframes fadein {
    0% { opacity:0 }
    100% { opacity:1 }
} this...

0 { opacity: 0 }
100 { opacity:1 }

It appears that MailChimp is not properly interpreting and removing these elements. Despite searching for solutions in MailChimp support, I haven't found anything useful. Has anyone come up with a clever workaround for this issue?

Answer №1

One way to incorporate CSS3 animations into Mailchimp is by including the necessary CSS in an external file, like so:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

I've personally utilized this method for various email campaigns and found that it provides a visually appealing display on devices such as iPhone, iPad, and Macs.

Answer №2

According to MailChimp, it is advised that CSS should be placed inline to prevent it from being stripped out:

Avoid placing CSS inside the HEAD tags in HTML Email.

In traditional web page coding, CSS is usually placed between the HEAD tags above the content. However, browser-based email applications like YahooMail!, Gmail, and Hotmail tend to strip out the HEAD and BODY tags by default when viewing HTML emails.

The recommendation is to inline your CSS code with your content (note: browser-based email apps also remove the BODY tag, so any background colors or body settings should be managed with a 100% wide TABLE "wrapper" around your email).

MailChimp offers an Automatic CSS-inliner feature:

Additionally, MailChimp provides a list of CSS selectors supported in email clients which can be found here:

They also offer client-specific styles:

Answer №3

Received confirmation from MailChimp's customer support team that they do not currently offer advanced customization options, and any unsupported code will be removed by their editor. Disappointing.

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