Can Bootswatch be installed using a package manager?

I have recently launched a small core website. Right now, all JS/CSS imports are from NPM and I am using webpack to bundle them together.

Instead of sticking with the standard bootstrap template, I wanted to switch to bootswatch paper, but unfortunately, I couldn't find any package to replace the default template.

Some suggest simply replacing the bootstrap.css file, but since mine is sourced from a package and not in my git repository, it seems impractical to create a separate bootstrap.css file and reference it. What happens when bootstrap gets updated along with the plugin? Do I have to manually update every time?

This doesn't seem like the most effective solution. Any advice on how to properly install bootswatch then? (My website was generated through JavascriptServices).

Answer №1

To add Bootswatch to your project, visit their GitHub page

Use the command below for installation:

The unique identifier at the end is the commit hash.

npm install git+https://<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="41262835012628352934236f222e2c">[email protected]</a>/thomaspark/bootswatch.git#95a134434fd0955182e9a938b5e50624e8e143c6

Once installed, locate the Paper theme in /node_modules/bootswatch/paper/

For more information on downloading from external sources, refer to the documentation on

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