Faulty Container - Excessive spacing issues


Currently enrolled in a Udemy course on Full Stack Development from scratch. The instructor often makes mistakes that require improvisation, like using <span> instead of <p> next to the sign-in. Additionally, adjustments were needed for the height of the BBC Logo and Sign In button to fit properly within the small navigation bar.

The code snippet is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Wadson's BBC</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />   

<style type="text/css">
    /* CSS styles here */
    <div id="container">
        <div id="topbar">
            <div class="fixedwidth">
                <div id="logodiv">
                    <img src="images/logo.png" height="25px" />
                <div id="signindiv">
                    <img class="signinhead" src="images/signin.png" height="20px"/><span id="signintext">Sign In</span>
                <div id="topmenudiv">

Seeking advice as a budding programmer - how can I train myself to think critically and spot errors while following instructions, rather than simply copying verbatim? While comfortable with HTML concepts, struggling with positioning, margins, and padding accordingly.

Answer №1

The code provided has a few issues that need to be addressed. I won't delve too deeply into coding structure or the benefits of using a CSS framework for beginners (although I highly recommend Bootstrap and suggest following a tutorial to learn how each component works, as well as staying up-to-date with CSS tutorials).

Here are some quick fixes for the problems identified: the border was extending beyond the #topbar because the list items were being stacked vertically instead of horizontally. Adding float: right; to the #topmenudiv li resolved this issue. Additionally, you should adjust the padding of your list item elements by setting a height to offset the padding - in this case, 30px.

Take a look at the updated version below and consider providing a CodePen or JSFiddle link with your response whenever possible.


Answer №2

From what I gather from your query:

Any advice for a budding programmer? How can I train myself to think critically so I can identify mistakes while coding instead of just copying code word for word? While I have a good grasp on HTML, I'm struggling with positioning, margins, and padding.

Try utilizing the CSS property outline. When applied to a class, tag, or id of an element(s), it resembles the CSS property border. The key distinction between border and outline is that outline won't impact the area surrounding the element(s), making it ideal for visualizing divs and their actual positions.

Add this CSS snippet below your body rule (e.g., body {...}) in the <style> section:


/* body * { outline: 1px solid blue; } */ /* Uncomment to see all elements */
.green { outline: 2px dashed green } /* Highlight in green */
.black { outline: 3px dotted #000; } /* Highlight in black */
.yellow { outline: 4px double #fc0; } /* Highlight in yellow */

To simplify handling padding and margins, add the following at the beginning of your CSS:


html { box-sizing: border-box; }
*, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; }

This will establish a consistent box-sizing approach for all elements. An element's dimensions, padding, and border will be included within the content. By default (content-box), only width and height are taken into account. Learn more about box-sizing here.

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