Personalize your Native Base tab design

Recently, I've delved into the world of React Native and now find myself in need of assistance with customizing my tabs. Utilizing advanced tabs by Native Base, I aim to transform this:

Into something more akin to:

While exploring the Native Base documentation for insight on styling the tabs, I am at a loss as to where these properties ought to be placed:

Here's a snippet of my code:

                            <Button transparent onPress={()=>this.openDrawer()}>
                                <Icon name='ios-menu' style={styles.icons}/>
                            <Title style={styles.headerTitle}>INQUIRY LIST</Title>
                            <Button transparent>
                                <Icon name='ios-search' style={styles.icons}/>
                    <Tabs activeTabStyle={{borderBottomColor: '#fff'}}>
                        <Tab heading={ <TabHeading><Text style={styles.tabsText}>ALL</Text></TabHeading>}>
                            {/* <Tab1 /> */}
                        <Tab heading={ <TabHeading><Text style={styles.tabsText}>NEW</Text></TabHeading>}>
                            {/* <Tab2 /> */}
                        <Tab heading={ <TabHeading><Text style={styles.tabsText}>RECEIVED</Text></TabHeading>}>
                            {/* <Tab3 /> */}
                        <Tab heading={ <TabHeading><Text style={styles.tabsText}>IN PROGRESS</Text></TabHeading>}>
                            {/* <Tab3 /> */}
                        <Tab heading={ <TabHeading><Text style={styles.tabsText}>COMPLETED</Text></TabHeading>}>
                            {/* <Tab3 /> */}
                    <Text>Hi from Inquiries</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
      fontSize: 10
      backgroundColor: '#1b1b1b'
      borderBottomColor: '#fff'

Answer №1

Here is an example of how I customized my tab design. Feel free to adjust the styling as necessary.

<Tabs tabBarUnderlineStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#f9ec97' }}>
                    <Tab heading="Description" activeTextStyle={{ color: '#fff', fontWeight: 'bold' }} textStyle={{ color: '#fff', fontSize: 12 }} tabStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#2f2483' }} activeTabStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#2f2483' }} >
                        {/* <Tab1 /> */}

Remember to specify styles for each individual tab.

Answer №2

When setting up your Tabs, make sure to exclude <ScrollableTab /> and create a customized version instead

    ref={(ref) => this.tabref = ref}
    renderTabBar={() => (
      <View style={{
          onPress={() => this.tabref.goToPage(0)}
            width:width * 0.50,
          <Text>Sign In</Text>
          onPress={() => this.tabref.goToPage(1)}
            width:width * 0.50,
          <Text>Sign Up</Text>

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