displaying an item within a text field

I have an input box created using Angular reactive forms

<input type="text" formControlName="OrgName" placeholder="Enter name" maxlength="60">
<p  class="fieldRequired" *ngIf="showNameMSg">{{60-profileForm.value.OrgName.length}} characters remaining </p>

Currently, the limit is set to 60 characters and I am displaying it in a paragraph tag below the input box. How can I show the remaining number of characters with some kind of indicator inside the input box?

Even if the indicator is not implemented, I must at least display the available number of remaining characters.

Answer №1

If you're looking to achieve a specific layout with CSS, check out this helpful resource - https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-7xmzzf

To make it work, remember to set the parent div's position to relative for your input and counter p tag.

The position of the p tag should be set to absolute, allowing you to adjust its placement using CSS properties like top and right in relation to the input tag.

Answer №2

Enhancing your form inputs is a breeze with Angular Material CDK inputs. Utilize the suffix property to not only set icons but also additional information as needed.

Take, for instance, a phone input:

<form class="example-form">
  <mat-form-field class="example-full-width">
    <input type="tel" matInput placeholder="555-555-1234">
    <div matSuffix>{{counter}}</div>

To add more interactive elements to your form, simply integrate Angular Material CDK and explore the options it offers. See an example here.

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