`Can a creation of this nature be accomplished?`

In my text input field, users can type messages to send to me. I'd like to add buttons on the page with symbols like "!", "XD", and "#". When someone clicks on a button, such as the "!" button, that corresponding symbol should be inserted into the text box. How can I achieve this functionality?

<textarea data-typeid="18" data-price="15" data-pricetype="fixed" data-index="0" name="ywapo_textarea_18[0]" cols="20" rows="4" maxlength="" class="ywapo_input ywapo_input_textarea ywapo_price_fixed"></textarea>
<input onclick="InsertText('18','Ş')" value=" Ş " type="button">
<input onclick="InsertText('18','Ş')" value=" @ " type="button">
<input onclick="InsertText('18','Ş')" value=" # " type="button">

Answer №1

Here is a helpful tip for you to consider.

$('button').click(function(e) {
  var input = $('.ywapo_input')
  input.val(input.val() + e.target.value)
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<textarea data-typeid="18" data-price="15" data-pricetype="fixed" data-index="0" name="ywapo_textarea_18[0]" cols="20" rows="4" maxlength="" class="ywapo_input ywapo_input_textarea ywapo_price_fixed"></textarea>
<button value="$">$</button>
<button value="@">@</button>
<button value="#">#</button>

Answer №2

Absolutely, it is possible to achieve that, however, disclosing the code might not be feasible at this time. Although not overly complicated, it does require a significant amount of time to complete...

Alternatively, exploring AngularJS could prove beneficial if you are interested in carrying out similar tasks as it offers a much simpler approach compared to using basic JavaScript (even though simple JS can still accomplish such tasks, it's just more challenging.)

Answer №3

Develop a function that can update the text in an input field. Have three buttons with different values, and when clicked, pass the value to the input field.

JavaScript Function

function updateText(value) {
    document.getElementById("myInput").value = value;


<input type="text" id="myInput">
<button type="button" value="!" onclick="updateText(this.value)">!</button>
<button type="button" value="XD" onclick="updateText(this.value)">XD</button>
<button type="button" value="#" onclick="updateText(this.value)">#</button>

See Demo Here

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