Storing User Information in Cookies using jQuery

My current jQuery script is linked to a button and it functions by toggling font styles on a website by enabling or disabling a stylesheet upon clicking the button. Now, I want to enhance this functionality by saving user preference to a cookie so that their font choice persists across different parts of the site and sessions. Ideally, when a user clicks the button for the first time, the font changes as usual and the choice is saved in a cookie. Subsequent clicks should reflect this stored preference with an option to revert back to default font by erasing or changing the cookie value.

I have made numerous attempts to implement this feature but unfortunately, I haven't been successful in getting the cookie to save and maintain the font choice consistently. Any suggestions or assistance on how to achieve this will be highly appreciated.

Answer №1

To enhance user experience, I recommend utilizing localStorage instead of cookies. By using a shim for MDN that seamlessly falls back to cookies when necessary, you can ensure compatibility across different browsers:

jQuery(function($) {
    if ( localStorage.getItem('font') ) {
        $('#opendyslexic').prop('disabled', localStorage.getItem('font') == 'true');

    $('#opendyslexic-toggler').on('click', function() {
         $('#opendyslexic').prop('disabled', function(_, prop) {
              localStorage.setItem('font', !prop);
              return !prop;

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