What is the best way to convert this JavaScript iteration function into jQuery?

I recently encountered an issue with my JavaScript function that returns a list of elements with the class ".youtube", loops through them, and calls another function. The JavaScript logic is flawless, but I wanted to convert it into jQuery for better readability. Below is the original JS function:

var videos = document.querySelectorAll(".youtube");
for (var i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) {

Here is my attempt at translating it into jQuery:

$(".youtube").each(function(i, youtube){

Unfortunately, this implementation did not work as expected. You can view the problem in action on JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/k3y3yvxq/2/

Answer №1

Utilizing jQuery's each() method eliminates the need for an index. In this case, youtube signifies the element.

The .each() function streamlines DOM looping constructs, making them more concise and less error-prone. When invoked, it iterates through the DOM elements within the jQuery object. With each iteration of the callback function, starting from 0, it is provided with the current loop iteration. The crucial aspect is that the callback operates within the context of the specific DOM element, allowing the usage of the keyword 'this' to refer to said element. (Adapted from https://api.jquery.com/each/)

$(".youtube").each(function(i, youtube){
    // or getVideos(this);

Answer №2

Another way to accomplish the same task is by using this method:


Just keep in mind that the getVideos function should only consider its first argument and not the additional ones, as it will be invoked with three arguments: The element itself, its index, and the array we are iterating over (which is what .get() returns, an actual JavaScript array).

Alternatively, you can opt for a more traditional approach without relying heavily on jQuery:

Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll(".youtube"), getVideos);

It's worth mentioning that the forEach method belongs to ES5+ (circa 2009), meaning that older browsers like IE8 do not support it since they were released before the ES5 standard was finalized. However, all modern browsers fully support it.

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