Building a table using MUI 5 and the powerful Grid component from Material UI

For my project, I decided to utilize the Grid component of Material UI v5 to create a global table component. This choice was made due to the difficulties encountered when trying to modify the border and border radius for the table row and footer elements. Styling the table element (or MUI Table component) proved to be challenging.

Currently, I have successfully created a basic table using MUI Grid, but I have two questions:

1- How can I ensure that the height of the grid items in each table row is consistent?

2- Is there a way to add a scroll bar to the container of my grid table when the screen size falls below 500px?

Here is the progress I have made so far:

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Answer №1

Not to directly answer your questions, but it seems like you are currently exploring a complex issue.

  • If you require a reliable table component, consider using DataGrid.
  • If you need a robust table component with more customization options (such as layout), opt for Table.
  • If you prefer a layout resembling a standard HTML table, utilize the native table and apply CSS accordingly.

The rationale behind my decision is that adjusting borders and border radii for table rows and footers can be problematic and styling the table element itself can be challenging.

It may not be practical for a layout component like this to have individual border radii defined for each row or section. Instead, this functionality can likely be achieved in a different manner.

  <Card borderRadius={10} />

Regarding the mention of "problems," you can specify styles at the table cell level - what specific issues are you encountering?

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