Smart method for repositioning multiple elements on the display

Imagine we have multiple divs displayed on a screen:

...and our goal is to move them collectively, either to the left:

...or to the right:

An initial approach might involve iterating through each element, capturing its current position, and applying a standard shift amount to all divs, as shown below:

function set_element_positions(new_top, new_left) {
    var all_elems = document.getElementsByClassName("my_div");
    for(var i=0; i < all_elems.length; i++) {
        var rect = all_elems[i].getBoundingClientRect();
        var current_top =;
        var current_left = rect.left;
        all_elems[i] = current_top + new_top + "px";
        all_elems[i].style.left = current_left + new_left + "px";

This function can be triggered during an as_change mouse event. For instance, a slider could invoke this function continuously while being adjusted, resulting in frequent calls to the function.

Initially, this method works effectively with a smaller number of divs, ensuring they move together in real-time. However, performance starts to degrade when dealing with a larger quantity of divs (approximately ~30).

Is there a more efficient strategy to simultaneously adjust the positions of all elements, allowing for rapid modification by a slider in real-time?

Answer №1

Since I'm uncertain about your goal, I will present multiple solutions to the issue based on different scenarios.

Scenario 1: Moving all elements within a single container

If this aligns with your situation, you're lucky as it is the simplest to address. Alvaro's suggestion was correct. In this case, you need a nested container. Allow me to illustrate with a brief example. First, the HTML:

<div id="viewPort">
    <div id="innerContainer">
        <div class="my_div"></div>
        <div class="my_div"></div>
        <div class="my_div"></div>

Then, implement the CSS:

#viewPort {
    /* Customize width/height as needed. */
    width: 300px;
    height: 200px;
    overflow: hidden;

#innerContainer {
    position: relative;
    width: 200%;
    height: 200%;
    top: -50%;
    left: -50%;

The concept involves an inner container that occupies more space than the outer container, with overflow set to hidden. Upon setup, you can either adjust the top and left properties of the inner container or adjust the scroll positions of viewPort (scrollTop and

scrollLeft</code) for the appearance of movement without actual displacement.</p>
<h1>Scenario 2: Shifting specific elements in a single container</h1>
<p>This scenario presents challenges since the moving container technique is no longer applicable. The scrolling method mentioned above could still function if you designate non-moving elements as <code>position: fixed
. Nonetheless, managing their top and left attributes becomes crucial to maintain their positions.

Despite having similar class names, dynamically updating CSS styling through classes via Javascript isn't feasible due to restrictions on modifying stylesheets. Consider extracting the current transform property values from elements, adding to them, then reapplying using transformX() and transformY() instead of altering left and top directly (Related topic query).

Scenario 3: Development of a game

Javascript operates as an interpretive language which executes at a slower pace compared to compiled languages. Traditional HTML with Javascript wasn't primarily designed for handling intricate gameplay scenarios, with a few exceptions where circumvention of limitations was possible. For creating substantial content with HTML5, consider exploring the <canvas> or <svg> tags and integrating one into your project.

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