Building a bespoke search input for the DataTables JQuery extension

As the title indicates, I am in the process of developing a custom search box for the DataTables JQuery plugin. The default options do not suit my needs, and configuring the DOM is also not ideal as I aim to integrate it within a table row for display purposes.

So far, this is the HTML snippet I have:

<th>Search by plan name and number :<br><input type="text" id="searchbox"></th>

For the script that initializes DataTables, here's what I have:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var dataTable = $('#table_id').DataTable( {
        "dom": '<"top"f>rt<"bottom"lp>' // Adjusting default locations

    // Custom search box
    $("#searchbox").keyup(function() {

In addition, I made changes to the CSS to remove the default search box:

.dataTables_filter {
   display: none;

However, when I type in my custom search box, nothing seems to happen. Any suggestions or tips on how to troubleshoot this issue?

P.S: I'm also looking to reposition the page selector and the "Showing # out of #" information. If anyone has insights on how to relocate or recreate these elements (similarly to the search bar), please share your thoughts. Thank you!

Answer №1

After some investigation, I managed to come up with a solution that fixes the issue! It turns out that my original script had errors, and here is the corrected version:

        $(document).ready(function() {
            var dataTable = $('#table_id').DataTable( {
                "dom": '<"top"f>rt<"bottom"lp>' //adjusting default locations

            // Custom search functionality - **IMPORTANT CHANGE**
      $(this).val()).draw() ;

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