Browsing through Chrome and Firefox using HTML interface

Hey everyone,

I'm facing a few issues with displaying HTML and could use some help:

Currently, I have a background image set for the <body></body> element of my HTML page using the following CSS:

body {  
    background: url('XYZ.jpg') no-repeat;  
    background-position: center top;  
    background-size: 100%;  
    background-color: #422102;  
    font-family: "Algerian";  
    font-size: 15pt;  
    color: #F8F8FF;  

This setup displays the background image perfectly in Chrome, but in Firefox, it doesn't cover the entire display window, showing the background color instead.

How can I ensure a consistent display across different browsers?

In addition, the text in both Chrome and Firefox is displayed in all capital letters even though I haven't specified this for the <body></body> section in my code. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Answer №1

  1. background-size may not be fully compatible with all browsers. To ensure compatibility with Firefox 3.6+, consider using -moz-background-size in addition. For more information, visit quirksmode.

  2. If your text appears in all capital letters, check for a text-transform: uppercase in your CSS or verify that you are using a font with only capital letters available.

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