bourbon neat quadrilateral layout

Attempting to revamp someone else's messy, yet effective, CSS3 template into a more organized format. The transition to bourbon/neat has been smooth, but I'm facing a roadblock when it comes to creating a responsive image grid.

<section class="page-content">
  {% for post in site.posts reversed %}
    <div class="myevent" style="background-image:url({{post.cover}});">
  {% endfor %}

Within an outer-container, I have a series of dynamically generated divs (thanks to Jekyll's tempting). On larger screens, I want each div to occupy span-columns(4) [with media queries adjusting the columns to 8 or 4 based on screen width].

Each div contains an image as a background and a header text label. If the screen was a fixed size without side borders (each div being 33% width), making them square would be straightforward with a height of 33vw. However, the challenge lies in achieving square divs when the layout variables are uncertain - screen width, padding, column count, gutters, etc.

.page-content {
  @include outer-container;

.myevent {
  @include span-columns(4);
  @include omega;
  // Need to make these divs square, struggling with the calculation

.nth-element {
  // Clear gutter every third element
  @include omega(3n);

// Additional breakpoints for 8 and 4 columns with corresponding omega changes

Unable to determine the width of the .myevent divs and establish their height to match the width, seeking guidance on this issue.

Answer №1

One solution to consider (and the method I personally prefer) involves using relative positioning for the span-column element and absolute positioning for its content. Additionally, you can include the following CSS snippet:

 .my-cool-column {
  position: relative;

  &::before {
    content: "";
    display: block;
    padding-top: 100%;

By implementing this, the top padding will be set to match the parent element's width, which should effectively solve the issue.

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