In-line Vertical Ticker Display

I attempted to use vTicker, but I found that it does not function properly when used as an inline element.

    <div id="vticker"><ul>...</ul></div>
    Some other headline text

My goal is to have the vertically scrolling text inside the vTicker object aligned with the other content in the h1 tag. However, whenever I try to set it as inline or inline-block, it disappears.

Even after attempting to create my own solution, I am unable to reposition elements within an inline or inline-block object using absolute, relative, or margin positioning.

Answer №1

To make the vTicker element work properly, simply setting it to display: inline won't suffice. This is because vTicker uses absolute positioning and overflow: hidden for its functionality.

One approach is to use display: inline-block, but this may cause issues as the vTicker container lacks a width. As a result, nothing will be displayed.

To resolve this, we need to set the width of the vTicker container to match the widest element within it or the width of the ul in the vTicker container. See the demo below:

/*! vTicker 1.21 | | based on Jubgits vTicker */
(function(d){var g,c,f;g={speed:700,pause:4E3,showItems:1,mousePause:!0,height:0,animate:!0,margin:0,padding:0,startPaused:!1,autoAppend:!0};c={moveUp:function(a,b){return c.showNextItem(a,b,"up")},moveDown:function(a,b){return c.showNextItem(a,b,"down")},nextItemState:function(a,b){var e,c;c=a.element.children("ul");e=a.itemHeight;0<a.options.height&&(e=c.children("li:first").height());e+=a.options.margin+2*a.options.padding;return{height:e,options:a.options,el:a.element,obj:c,selector:"up"===b?
"li:first":"li:last",dir:b}},showNextItem:function(a,b,e){var d;d=c.nextItemState(a,e);d.el.trigger("vticker.beforeTick");e=d.obj.children(d.selector).clone(!0);"down"===d.dir&&d.obj.css("top","-"+d.height+"px").prepend(e);b&&b.animate?a.animating||c.animateNextItem(d,a):c.nonAnimatedNextItem(d);"up"===d.dir&&a.options.autoAppend&&e.appendTo(d.obj);return d.el.trigger("vticker.afterTick")},animateNextItem:function(a,b){b.animating=!0;return a.obj.animate("up"===a.dir?{top:"-="+a.height+"px"}:{top:0},
b.options.speed,function(){d(a.obj).children(a.selector).remove();d(a.obj).css("top","0px");return b.animating=!1})},nonAnimatedNextItem:function(a){a.obj.children(a.selector).remove();return a.obj.css("top","0px")},nextUsePause:function(){var a,b;b=d(this).data("state");a=b.options;if(!b.isPaused&&!c.hasSingleItem(b))return,{animate:a.animate})},startInterval:function(){var a,b;b=d(this).data("state");a=b.options;return b.intervalId=setInterval(function(a){return function(){return}}(this),
a.pause)},stopInterval:function(){var a;if(a=d(this).data("state"))return a.intervalId&&clearInterval(a.intervalId),a.intervalId=void 0},restartInterval:function(){;return},getState:function(a,b){var c;if(!(c=d(b).data("state")))throw Error("vTicker: No state available from "+a);return c},isAnimatingOrSingleItem:function(a){return a.animating||this.hasSingleItem(a)},hasMultipleItems:function(a){return 1<a.itemCount},hasSingleItem:function(a){return!c.hasMultipleItems(a)},
bindMousePausing:function(a){return function(a,e){return a.bind("mouseenter",function(){if(!e.isPaused)return e.pausedByCode=!0,,,!0)}).bind("mouseleave",function(){if(!e.isPaused||e.pausedByCode)return e.pausedByCode=!1,,!1),})}}(this),setItemLayout:function(a,b,c){var f;a.css({overflow:"hidden",position:"relative"}).children("ul").css({position:"absolute",margin:0,padding:0}).children("li").css({margin:c.margin,
padding:c.padding});return isNaN(c.height)||0===c.height?(a.children("ul").children("li").each(function(){if(d(this).height()>b.itemHeight)return b.itemHeight=d(this).height()}),a.children("ul").children("li").each(function(){return d(this).height(b.itemHeight)}),f=c.margin+2*c.padding,a.height((b.itemHeight+f)*c.showItems+c.margin)):a.height(c.height)},defaultStateAttribs:function(a,b){return{itemCount:a.children("ul").children("li").length,itemHeight:0,itemMargin:0,element:a,animating:!1,options:b,
isPaused:b.startPaused,pausedByCode:!1}}};f={init:function(a){var b,e;d(this).data("state")&&;b=jQuery.extend({},g);a=d.extend(b,a);b=d(this);e=c.defaultStateAttribs(b,a);d(this).data("state",e);c.setItemLayout(b,e,a);a.startPaused||;if(a.mousePause)return c.bindMousePausing(b,e)},pause:function(a){var b;b=c.getState("pause",this);if(!c.hasMultipleItems(b))return!1;b.isPaused=a;b=b.element;if(a)return d(this).addClass("paused"),b.trigger("vticker.pause");
d(this).removeClass("paused");return b.trigger("vticker.resume")},next:function(a){var b;b=c.getState("next",this);if(c.isAnimatingOrSingleItem(b))return!1;;return c.moveUp(b,a)},prev:function(a){var b;b=c.getState("prev",this);if(c.isAnimatingOrSingleItem(b))return!1;;return c.moveDown(b,a)},stop:function(){c.getState("stop",this);return},remove:function(){var a;a=c.getState("remove",this);;
a=a.element;a.unbind();return a.remove()}};return d.fn.vTicker=function(a){return f[a]?f[a].apply(this,,1)):"object"!==typeof a&&a?d.error("Method "+a+" does not exist on jQuery.vTicker"):f.init.apply(this,arguments)}})(jQuery);

  let vticker = $('#vticker');
  let width = vticker.find('ul').width();
    'display': 'inline-block',
    'vertical-align': 'bottom',
    'width': width
<script src=""></script>

  <div id="vticker">

Answer №2

I recommend utilizing the Flexbox method.


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