bootstrap class not detected and not visible in Firebug

I have been delving into a book about bootstrap in order to master it. Upon downloading the bootstrap files and integrating them into my test file, test.html, I encountered an issue where the "navbar-toggle" class was not recognized by my browser and did not appear in Firebug. Despite attempting to link to the external file to access "bootstrap.min.css", verifying that the class does exist in both the local and external files, nothing seemed to function as expected. Additionally, I faced challenges with another class, such as the "navbar-brand" class being identified in Firebug but appearing differently in the "_navbar.scss" file, which seemed to materialize out of nowhere. Similarly, the "icon-bar" class was also undetected and invisible in Firebug. While inspecting Firebug, I noticed some CSS rules from the three included files (bootstrap.min.css, bootstrap-grid.min.css, bootstrap-reboot.min.css) were displayed, yet the aforementioned three classes remained elusive.

Below is a snippet from the file test.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en>

Answer №1

Could it be that you haven't switched to the mobile view yet? Try pressing ctrlshift+m in FireFox to resize your window to less than 768px.
Check out this guide for viewing mobile sites

Also, if you already have the Bootstrap bundle, you may not need to include the reboot and grid separately. These files are useful if you specifically require a reboot style or use the grid feature for document structuring.
Learn more about Bootstrap's grid system here
Read up on reboot and reset here

Double-check that your asset file paths (css, js, img, etc.) are correct by monitoring the network tab in your developer tools (F12 in most browsers) or scan the console for any 404 errors.
Explore the network tab with this helpful guide

Regarding SCSS files, are you testing them in a local environment? It's common practice to convert SCSS to CSS files and then upload the generated files locally. Browsers no longer require SCSS files but can handle them. Check your developer tool settings to disable sourcemaps, which may be causing your issue.
Similar question answered here

Experience often teaches us these tips, but I hope this information gives you the push you need to move forward.

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