Best practices for coding in HTML and CSS

Creating my first website for an internship has been quite a learning experience. Throughout my training, I was always advised to avoid embedding styles directly into the HTML code. However, now that I am actually developing a site, I can't help but find it frustrating that I have to identify and reference span tags in a CSS file just to change their font color. Besides organizational reasons, is there any other justification for using CSS? Would it really be such a taboo to embed a single style directly? Thank you for taking the time to read this, any insights or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

There are a few reasons why externalizing style information is recommended.

In general, the need to change the style of a single element on a single page should be rare. It is more efficient for HTTP caching and easier for maintenance when style information is externalized and separate from the structure of the page.

Additionally, different styles may be needed for various media types (such as screen and print), necessitating the use of separate stylesheets for each.

Answer №2

When applying a style to multiple HTML pages and needing to make changes, it can be time-consuming to go through each file individually. This is just one of the many reasons why I find it inconvenient.

Answer №3

One crucial aspect to underline is the importance of sustainability. Well-structured code is sustainable code! It's much more effective to assign an id to a tag and link it in the overarching css file rather than embedding it inline. This way, if you need to modify that style later on, you can easily locate it and make changes in just one location.

Answer №4

Moving the CSS to a separate file allows the browser to store it in its cache, saving time and resources by only needing to load the CSS once instead of with every page visit. This optimization strategy improves loading speed for the website.

Answer №5

One of the key points to consider is that HTML is meant to establish structure, while CSS is designed for styling. When you mix CSS directly into your HTML, you are essentially undermining this fundamental principle. Additionally, it can make managing your web pages more challenging in the long run.

Answer №6

Consistency is key in design, allowing for the use of generic rules in various situations. When emphasizing content, utilizing <em> or <strong> tags is recommended. By styling these elements, you can maintain a cohesive look throughout your website.

It's not just about aesthetics and performance; consistency and ease of maintenance play a crucial role as well.

Identify similar design elements and apply consistent markup to them. Keeping it simple and uniform is the way to go.

Answer №7

Don't underestimate the power of starting with "just 1," as it can help you establish a positive habit.

Answer №8

The challenges of embedded CSS include: 1. Browser compatibility issues, such as Internet Explorer struggling to understand built-in styles. 2. When reusing the same CSS style, it is more efficient to create a class for it.

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