Are we utilizing this JavaScript function properly for recycling it?

Two functions have been implemented successfully. One function adds the autoplay attribute to a video DOM element if the user is at a specific section on the page. The other function smoothly slides in elements with a transition effect.

The only limitation is that these functions currently work for only one element on the page, but I wish to extend their functionality to multiple elements.

Here is the first function, which plays the video when scrolled:

playOnScroll: function() {

    var player = $('.browser video');
    var hasReached = false;

    function isInView(elem){
        return $(elem).offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() < $(elem).height();

    $(window).scroll(function() {

        var section = $('#user-experience');

        // If section exists
        if (section.length) {

            if (isInView(section) && !hasReached) {
                // console.log('play video');
                hasReached = true;




Currently, this function only works if the section with the ID #user-experience is in view. It would be beneficial if it could be applied to other sections as well.

I am considering changing the target section to a class name so that any section with this class can trigger the function. Is there a better approach?

Now, looking at the second function responsible for animating elements upon scroll, I am unsure how to make it reusable for multiple selectors:

moduleShift: function() {

    var root = this;
    var el = $('.entry figure');
    var offset = 0.8;

    root.isVisible(el, offset);

    $(window).scroll(function() {

        var windowPos = $(this).scrollTop();

            root.isVisible(el, offset); 
        }, 1000);



isVisible: function(el, offset) {

    el.each(function() { 
        var elHeight = $(this).outerHeight();
        var offsetTop = $(this).offset().top;
        var offsetBottom = offsetTop + elHeight;

        if (offsetTop <= $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()*offset) {



A similar solution may be applicable to this function as well. However, like the first function, I am open to suggestions for a more efficient method of achieving this.

Answer №1

If you're looking for a simple way to achieve this, consider using jQuery Waypoints. By utilizing the functions isVisible and moduleShift as event handlers triggered when a user scrolls to a specific point, you can easily accomplish your goal. For instance:

var waypoint = new Waypoint({
  element: document.getElementById('placeOfYourVideoPlayer'),
  handler: moduleShift;

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