Avoiding Duplicate Paths in URLs with Perl CatalystOne common issue that can occur in web development is the presence of double

I recently developed a web application using Catalyst framework. The login page can be accessed by typing the URL:


When accessing this URL, the login page is displayed beautifully with all its styling from the CSS file.

However, I noticed that if I add an extra '/login' to the URL like so:


The login page still shows up, but this time without any styling applied. It seems like the CSS file is not being loaded properly.

This issue occurs whenever there are multiple 'login' keywords in the path, for example:


and so on...

What I want is to either disable the double 'login' paths or redirect them back to the original http://mydomainname/login URL.

In my Login.pm Controller, the code looks like this:

sub default : Private {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;


sub login : Path('/login') {  
        my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

        $c->stash->{title} = 'Login Page';
        $c->stash->{pagetype} = "html";
        $c->stash->{template} = "login.html";

Is this controller setup correct? And how can I prevent the issue of multiple 'login' paths from happening, such as http://mydomainname/login/login or


Answer №1

Matching the first /login is based on the Controller name, while the second /login is matched from the Action name (the sub).

To resolve this issue, you can either transfer the entire login sub to your Root controller or integrate its logic into the existing default handler. In my opinion, actions like login and logout are best placed in the Root controller since they are often standalone functions. Are there any other actions or methods in Login.pm?

If you are experiencing missing CSS styling, it could be due to relative path issues in your login.html file or problems with static resource configurations in your main program. You can troubleshoot this using your browser's Dev Tools.

Answer №2

It is important to clearly specify that there should be no arguments in the following way:

sub login :Path('/login') :Args(0) {

This will ensure that the controller does not match paths like /login/etc/etc/etc

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