Avoid showing numerical or bullet points for ordered or unordered lists

Hey everyone, I'm currently using the code below to create some list items within an ordered list.

$output = '<div id="menu_options">';
$output .= '<ol class="tabs">';
foreach($menu_items as $menu){
    $output .= '<li><a href="'.$menu->ID.'" class="menu_page_id">'.$menu->title.'</a></li>';
$output .= '</ol>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '<div id="menu_content">This is content</div>';

Everything seems to be working fine, but I'd like to remove the automatic numbering (1., 2., etc). Is there a way to achieve this and have nothing displayed in place of those numbers?

Answer №1

A great way to remove the list-style from an unordered list is by setting the style property to list-style-type:none on the ul element. You can add this directly in the HTML as a style attribute or include it in your CSS file under the .items class.

To learn more about styling lists in CSS, check out the link: http://learn-css.com/styling-lists

Answer №2

To eliminate numbers in an ordered list, you can apply the following CSS code. Define the className="disp" as .disp{list-style-type:none;}. This will remove any numbering from the list items.

<div className="disp">

Answer №3

Here are the instructions to follow:

.disp li::before {content: "•"; color: red}

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