Avoid activating the hover effect on an element situated below another element without the use of JavaScript

After reviewing various posts, it seems like the only solution involves using javascript. Is there a way to hover over one element without affecting the style of another element below it, all without relying on javascript? I'm looking for a solution using vanilla HTML and CSS only. Specifically, I want to be able to hover over "blabla" or "blablabla" without adding a border to the navigation bar.

    <div class="navBar">
            <h1 id="Title">A Random Website</h1>
        <div class="navBarChild">
                    <a href="blabla.html" id="linkBla">Notepad</a>
                    <a href="blablabla.html" id="linkBlaBla">Help</a>


    display: flex;
    position: sticky;
    padding: 20px;
    border: 2px solid gainsboro;
    width: 100%;
    justify-content: center;
    background-color: gainsboro;
    z-index: 2;
    color: black;
    font-family: monospace;
    border: 2px solid black;
   z-index: 2;

   background:url("...") left / cover no-repeat;
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: row;
   position: relative;left: 290px;top: 17px;
   font-weight: bold;
   text-decoration: none;
   font-size: 26px;
   font-family: monospace;
   color: black;
   color: orangered;
   position: relative;left: 50px;
   font-weight: bold;
   text-decoration: none;
   font-size: 26px;
   font-family: monospace;
   color: black;
   color: orangered;

Answer №1

Create a 'navBarContainer' Element

Start by moving the 'navBarChild' outside of the 'navBar' like this:

<div class="navBar">
    <h1 id="Title">A Random Website</h1>
<div class="navBarChild">
  <a href="blabla.html" id="linkBla">Notepad</a>
  <a href="blablabla.html" id="linkBlaBla">Help</a>

Create a new 'navBarContainer' and place both elements inside it

<div class="navBarContainer">
  <div class="navBar">
      <h1 id="Title">A Random Website</h1>
  <div class="navBarChild">
    <a href="blabla.html" id="linkBla">Notepad</a>
    <a href="blablabla.html" id="linkBlaBla">Help</a>

In your CSS, set '.navBarContainer' to have 'position: relative;'

position: relative;

For 'navBarChild', set it to

position: absolute;
display: flex; //to keep the a-links together

You can then adjust its position as needed

top: 0; //important
left: 75%;
height: 100%;

Z-index shouldn't be necessary at this point


Add some padding to #linkBla and #linkBlaBla, and set the display to 'flexbox'

#linkBla, #linkBlaBla {
  padding: 40%;
  display: flexbox;

Preview the entire setup in this pen https://codepen.io/emekaorji/pen/mdOMMRr

Answer №2

It seems that achieving this without the use of javascript may not be possible, but you can incorporate the script directly into the HTML code:

  function removeOutline() {
    document.getElementsByClassName("navBar")[0].style.border = "2px solid transparent";

  function addOutline() {
    document.getElementsByClassName("navBar")[0].style.border = "2px solid black";

You can then utilize it like this:

<div class="navBarChild" onmouseover="removeOutline()" onmouseout="addOutline()">

Regarding CSS limitations, it's worth noting that modifying elements higher in the hierarchy from a child element is restricted. Essentially, altering the parent element based on the child element is not supported, although the reverse is achievable through child selectors.

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