How can I change the appearance of the textfield?
I am trying to remove the background color
The code snippet in question:
<s:form action ="Update_datos_XML">
<s:hidden id="id" name="id_sesion" value="%{#session.Sesion_usuario.id_sesion}"/>
<div style="font-family:Arial;color: #af2d2d; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1)">
<s:textfield name="nom_pre" id="nombre" key="Nombre" placeholder="<%= pre.getNom_pre()%>"/>
<s:textfield label="Apellido paterno" name="app_pre" placeholder="<%= pre.getApp_pre()%>"/>
<s:textfield label="Apellido materno" name="apm_pre" placeholder="<%= pre.getApm_pre()%>"/>
<s:submit cssClass="btn btn-success" value="Actualizar Datos"/>
I have attempted various solutions without success, the interface remains unchanged. Can someone provide any guidance on how to achieve the desired result?