Automatically insert personalized CSS design markers into Material-UI elements using code

Within my react-redux app, I am utilizing material-ui components. The initial UI prototype was established using adobe-xd, which has the capability to export character styles (design tokens) in a CSS file format:

:root {

/* Colors: */
--text-color: #F8E29F;
--unnamed-color-6c63ff: #6C63FF;
--message-bar-avatar-panel: #3F4851;
--name-text: #A6BCD0;
--eth-subtext-stars: #748A9D;
--navbar-footer-stars-bg: #232323;
--unnamed-color-7b8188: #7B8188;
--bg-drawer: #101010;

/* Font/text values */
--unnamed-font-family-fira-sans: Fira Sans;
--unnamed-font-family-abril-fatface: Abril Fatface;
--unnamed-font-style-light: Light;
--unnamed-font-style-regular: Regular;
--unnamed-font-size-7: 7px;
--unnamed-font-size-8: 8px;
--unnamed-font-size-14: 14px;
--unnamed-font-size-16: 16px;
--unnamed-font-size-24: 24px;
--unnamed-font-size-28: 28px;
--unnamed-font-size-32: 32px;
--unnamed-character-spacing-0: 0px;
--unnamed-character-spacing-0-96: 0.96px;
--unnamed-character-spacing-1-15: 1.15px;
--unnamed-character-spacing-1-31: 1.31px;
--unnamed-line-spacing-10: 10px;
--unnamed-line-spacing-12: 12px;
--unnamed-line-spacing-20: 20px;
--unnamed-line-spacing-24: 24px;
--unnamed-line-spacing-32: 32px;

/* Character Styles */
.text-ultra-small-mobile- {
font-family: var(--unnamed-font-family-fira-sans);
font-style: var(--unnamed-font-style-light);
font-size: var(--unnamed-font-size-7);
line-height: var(--unnamed-line-spacing-20);
letter-spacing: var(--unnamed-character-spacing-0);
color: var(--name-text);
.text-very-small-dim-mobile- {
font-family: var(--unnamed-font-family-fira-sans);
font-style: var(--unnamed-font-style-light);
font-size: var(--unnamed-font-size-8);
line-height: var(--unnamed-line-spacing-10);
letter-spacing: var(--unnamed-character-spacing-0);
color: var(--eth-subtext-stars);

// Additional character style declarations...

I am seeking a method to dynamically import these custom CSS values for character styles (and color styles) to be applied across all material-ui components. It is akin to injecting design tokens. Every time modifications are made to the adobe-xd prototypes and a new CSS file is saved, it should automatically import the values from that CSS file to update the material-ui components. Any suggestions on how to better implement design tokens from the adobe-xd prototype to the react UI framework codebase would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Utilize the CSS Import feature in your file and copy the CSS code from the Adobe XD Share tab to the Advanced Export plugin for Variable.CSS integration.

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