How can we prevent the restoration of size effects in jQuery UI versions 1.9 and above?

After implementing jQuery UI 1.9 or newer, I noticed that the size effect returns to its original state. Below is a snippet of my code:

$(function () {
    $('.circle').click(function () {
            { to: {width: 50,height: 50}, origin: ['bottom', 'right'] },
            1000, function () {
                $(this).css({'background': 'blue' });

With jQuery UI version 1.8.18 (under jQuery 1.7.2), the shape properly shrinks and maintains its size. However, in later versions, it reverts back.

I also observed that the "origin" parameter does not work in higher versions of jQuery UI. I used

origin: ['bottom', 'right']

Which had no impact on jQuery UI 1.9 or above.

Is there a way to prevent the restoration of the size and effectively use the 'origin' setting in jQuery UI 1.8 or newer?

Answer №1

I have created a new function that will fulfill your requirements. Check out the working example on JsFiddle.

In this updated version, I replaced the effect with animate and modified the CSS properties for top and left to achieve the desired functionality. By default, it aligns to the top-left corner.

For instance:

If origin is set to ['bottom'], it behaves the same as ['bottom','left'].

If origin is set to ['right'], it is equivalent to ['top','right'], and so on.

function size(object, to, origin, duration, callback){
    var leftResult = '+=0';
    var topResult = '+=0';
    if (origin != null && origin.length != 0){
        if ($.inArray('right', origin) >= 0){
            leftResult= '+='+to.width;
        if ($.inArray('bottom', origin) >= 0){
            topResult= '+='+to.height;
        height: to.height,
        width: to.width,
        left: leftResult,
        top: topResult
  }, duration, function() {
    if (typeof callback == "function") callback($(object));

You can simply enhance argument validation or customize the callback according to your needs.

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