Can you create different width sizes using two types in HTML?

As I delve into learning HTML, I find myself curious about the possibility of combining multiple size types for width. For instance, is it possible to set a width that is both 10px and 3vw? While I understand that this isn't directly supported, I wonder if there might be a way, perhaps through typecasting or some other technique, to achieve this effect. Given my knowledge of the three primary sizing options - percentages, pixels, and viewport widths - could they be combined in a single width attribute to exert full control over the element's width?

Answer №1

If you need to perform calculations in CSS, look no further than the calc() function.

You can get creative with calc by combining multiple inputs like: width: calc(10px + 3vw + 6vmin + 4% + 1em);

Not only does it allow for complex calculations, but it also supports basic arithmetic operations like: width: calc(100% / 7);

    display: inline-block;
    height: 100px;
    width: calc(10px + 3vw);
    background: red;

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