attempting to utilize staggerTo function in GSAP

Struggling to animate my images with greensock so they start from bottom: 0, have opacity 1, and stagger in. My code seems valid but I must be missing something after looking at it for so long.

I suspect the find() function is not returning what I expect since I don't see an object containing all the img elements.

Here's what my console is showing:

[prevObject: jQuery.fn.init[0], context: document]

This is my Script:

    var mainText = $('ul.images li').find('img');
    var tween = TweenMax.staggerTo(mainText, 0.75, {
        opacity: '0',
        bottom: '300px',
        left: '50%'
    }, 0.3);

Here is my HTML:

<ul class="images">
    <li class="image brain"><img src="img/science/brain.svg" class="img brain" alt="cell-watermark-bg"></li>
    <li class="image mitochondria"><img src="img/science/mitochondria.svg" class="img mitochondria" alt="cell-watermark-bg"></li>
    <li class="image microscope"><img src="img/science/microscope.svg" class="img microscope" alt="cell-watermark-bg"></li>
    <li class="image scientist"><img src="img/science/scientist.svg" class="img scientist" alt="cell-watermark-bg"></li>
    <li class="image beaker"><img src="img/science/beaker.svg" class="img beaker" alt="cell-watermark-bg"></li>
    <li class="image beaker-2"><img src="img/science/beaker-2.svg" class="img beaker-2" alt="cell-watermark-bg"></li>
    <li class="image atom"><img src="img/science/atom.svg" class="img atom" alt="cell-watermark-bg"></li>
    <li class="image dropper"><img src="img/science/dropper.svg" class="img dropper" alt="cell-watermark-bg"></li>
    <li class="image dna"><img src="img/science/dna.svg" class="img dna" alt="cell-watermark-bg"></li>


ul.images {
    position: relative;
    .image {
        position: relative;
        width: 100%;
        .img {
            position: absolute;
            height: 50px;
            opacity: 1;
            -webkit-transition: background-color 0.2s ease;
            -moz-transition: background-color 0.2s ease;
            -o-transition: background-color 0.2s ease;
            transition: background-color 0.2s ease;
            &.dna {
                bottom: -40px;
                left: -30%;
            // Rest of the image styles...

Answer №1

The issue stemmed from a mistake in your scss file. The ul.images{...} section was not properly closed. I made the necessary correction, and it appears that the animation is now working correctly based on your description.

For reference, you can view the updated code on Codepen here.

Please note that I have included a one-second timeout for your js to allow elements to be placed on the stage before the animation begins.

It's interesting that your sass compiler did not flag this error for you initially.

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