After much trial and error, I managed to come up with a solution for my issue. I'm currently utilizing jQuery-UI along with a slide effect, however, it's not quite meeting my expectations in terms of aesthetics. Ideally, I would prefer it to resemble the smooth transitions seen on iOS using Objective-C. Nevertheless, I'll make do with what I have.
var handleSwipeEvents = function() {
$(function() {
$('#myId').on('swipeleft', swipeHandler);
$('#myId').on('swiperight', swipeHandler);
function swipeHandler(event) {
function slideEffect(swipeLeft, duration) {
var slideOutOptions = {"direction" : swipeLeft ? "left": "right", "mode" : "hide"};
$('#myId').effect("slide", slideOutOptions, duration, function() { // slide out old data
var slideInOptions = {"direction" : swipeLeft ? "right" : "left", "mode" : "show"};
$('#myId').effect("slide", slideInOptions, duration); // slide in new data
// Modify contents of element
var swipeLeft = (event.type === "swipeleft");
slideEffect(swipeLeft, 300);
I suspect that utilizing CSS3 and transitions may yield better outcomes, though my attempts at achieving this haven't been fruitful so far.