Exploring the Advanced Features of HTML5 and CSS3 in Internet Explorer 8

I understand that Internet Explorer may not fully support HTML5 and CSS3. I am aware of certain javascript hacks that can help make it compatible with newer tags such as:

<nav>, <header>, <footer>, <article>, <aside>, and <section> 



I also know that for IE 8, it is possible to use certain CSS techniques to create rounded corners.

I am interested in incorporating the D3 Javascript Library for visualizing connections ( take a look at this specific demo: )

Therefore, my inquiry is: Is it feasible to make the aforementioned demo function properly on IE8 by implementing these known hacks? Are there any specific hacks available that would simplify this process?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Answer №1

Simply put: No

Explaining further: HTML5shim isn't really a workaround; it's more like a set of default styles and guidelines that transform semantic HTML into something resembling what it would look like on a browser that understands <header>.

The CSS rounded corners feature in IE8 is specific to that browser and doesn't have much connection to CSS3.

It doesn't enhance IE8 with capabilities like Canvas, SVG, or CSS3 that it lacks.

D3 itself does not cater to IE8. According to the D3 wiki:

D3 functions on so-called "modern" browsers, excluding IE8 and older versions. It is tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and IE9. Some aspects may work on older browsers because the core D3 library has minimal requirements: JavaScript and W3C DOM API. A compatibility library like Aight is suggested for IE8. While D3 uses Selectors API Level 1, you can preload Sizzle for compatibility. Modern browsers are needed for utilizing SVG and CSS3 Transitions. D3 does not act as a compatibility layer, so lack of standard support in your browser will cause issues. Apologies!

Now, do you have a valid reason to continue supporting IE8? Considering it's four generations behind the latest IE version and nearly five years old, is there any limitation imposed by outdated network policies?

Answer №2

One option is to consider using libraries like RaphaelJS() that offer a SVG fallback (occasionally utilizing flash). This ensures that your content degrades gracefully to the fallback option when necessary.

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